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neutralizes odors, naturally


About Us

ONA – Made in Canada by Odorchem Manufacturing Corp.


ONA – Odor Neutralizing Agent Products including odor neutralizers and fans/dispensers

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Where you can find ONA products through distributors or retailers

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There are three mechanisms of action that can occur, based on the chemical and physical natures of each terpene and active ingredient versus the organic and inorganic volatile compounds.

Adsorption — All VOCs and odorous compounds have a solubility factor in ONA active ingredients. This solubility will allow the VOC compound to solubilize itself in the presence of ONA, relative to the chemistry of the emission, temperature, pH, and pressure of the environment.

Adsorb: To collect and hold (gas or vapor) in the surface of a solid.

Absorption — The active molecules in ONA will attract or come into contact with low molecular weight or volatile compounds (VOC’s). These VOC’s will enter and bond with the ONA active ingredients to eliminate odors.

Absorb: To retain wholly, without reflection or transmission, what is taken in.

Chemical Reaction (The Pairs Theory2) — This involves the permanent bonding of the odorous molecule (VOC) and the ONA active ingredients reactive sites. This mechanism transforms the pollutant in its basic properties. As a result, odor disappears.


Lytton Lytton Public Works

We have been using ONA for more than two years and have found it to be unparalleled for neutralizing odors. To clarify my use for the term “odor”, I refer to the anaerobic sludge that I waste from my wastewater treatment plant every three or four months. To put it plainly, it’s shit and it smells bad.

Unfortunately, my treatment plant is very close to a residential neighbourhood and downtown. During these events, in the past, I had received many complaints and observed many more sour faces around town. On a suggestion from a friend I tried ONA and was amazed at the results. It did not merely mask the odor, it was as if the sludge was not there.

Were my senses fooling me? I could see it, but I couldn’t smell it – what a pretty sight.